Sunday, April 12, 2009

True history about palestine part I

During the third millennium BC, the Ammonites, the Canaanites and also the Yabousians and the Phoenicians, which are considered sub-branches of the Canaanites, had migrated to settle in Palestine. Their emigration to Palestine was around 2500 BC. The Canaanites settled on the plains of Palestine and the Ammonites settled in the mountains. The Yabousians settled in and around Jerusalem; they built the city of Jerusalem and named it "Yabous" then "Hierosolyma". The Phoenicians settled on the north coast of Palestine and in Lebanon.

Reliable historians believe that those people had come from the Arab peninsula and that the majority of the current population of Palestine, especially the villagers, are the offspring of those old tribes and peoples or the Arab and Muslims who settled there after the Muslim Conquest.

During that period, the emigration of the Canaanites took place on a large scale. They became the original population of the country. The name of "Land of Canaan" was the oldest name to which the land of Palestine had been known.

The Canaanites built most of the towns in Palestine. Their number-within the borders of the current Palestine-was more than 200 towns during the second millennium BC, hundred of years before the coming of the HebraiJews. In addition to Jericho and Jerusalem, there were other old towns, namely Shechem (Balatah, Nablus), Bashan, Ashkelon, Akka, Haifa, Hebron, Ashdod, A'aqur, Beer Sheba and Bethlehem.

from 2000 BC to 1550 BC. The first half of the second millennium BC witnessed the dominion of the Hyksos,It seems that during this age (around 1900 BC), Abraham(PBUH) came to Palestine accompanied by his nephew "Lut" (PBUH)) and there, Isma'il, Isaac and Jacob (peace be upon them) were born.

(1550 BC-1200 BC): withdrawal of the Hyksos dominion from Palestine and the subsequent control by the absolute Egyptian regime.

(1200 BC-330 BC), it seems that in its early period (approximately 1200 BC), Palestine had received groups of emigrants mainly "the peoples of the sea" migrations. It seems that they came from western Asia and from islands of the Aegean Sea (Crete and others). At the beginning, those peoples launched their attacks against the coasts of Syria and Egypt, but Ramses the Third, Pharaoh of Egypt, drove them away from his country and gave them permission to settle in the southern part of Palestine. In the archeological inscriptions, the name of "PLST" was mentioned and, accordingly, those peoples were called "Palestians" and then the letter "n" was inserted in their name (maybe because of the plural). So they became the "Palestinians". The Palestinians built five kingdoms, including the cities of Gaza, Ashdod, Jet, Aqroun and Ashkelon. These cities were possibly ancient Canaanites, and they expanded and organized them and built two new cities, namely Lod and Saklash. They occupied the rest of the coast up to the Al-Karmel Mountains. Then they captured Marj Ibn Amir. The Palestinians soon mixed with the Canaanites, used their language and worshipped their gods (Dajoun, B'al and Ashtar). Although the Palestinians had been mixed with the people, they gave this land their name, so, it was called Palestine.

Jacob (Israel) (PBUH) was born in the eighteenth century BC (around 1750 BC) in Palestine. he migrated with his sons to egypt

The period during which Jacob and his children lived in Egypt coincided with the domination by the Hyksos over Egypt from 1774 BC to 1567 BC; they were not originally from Egypt.

The Pharaoh of Egypt oppressed the Children of Israel. He was known to slay their sons, and keep their females alive. It is apparent from the comparative historical indications that Moses (PBUH) led the Children of Israel towards the Holy Land in the second half of the thirteenth century BC. They never entered the Holy Land at this time because they were afraid of the strong people living there. God prohibited them from entering the Holy Land and they left to wander distractedly through the wilderness after they were very near to the Holy Land.

The Late Bronze Age. nd the Early Iron Age witnessed the beginning of the Jews entering Palestine and the emergence of the Kingdom of David and Solomon (peace be upon them) between 1004 BC and 923 BC. This period was divided into two kingdoms: the Israel Kingdom (923 BC-722 BC) and the Judah Kingdom (923 BC-586 BC). Each one ruled over a limited part of the land of Palestine.

David, peace be upon him, was born in Bethlehem. His reign lasted for 40 years from approximately 1400 BC to 963 BC. In the beginning, his capital was "Hebron", where he stayed for seven years. Then around 995 BC he overcame Jerusalem and moved his capital there.

the borders of David's kingdom did not connect with the sea except at a place near Yoya (Jaffa). The borders of the Kingdom of Israel at its zenith measured 120 miles long (longest points) and 60 miles wide (widest points). Its area was not more than 1,200 square miles--20,000 square kilometres, which is about 7,000 square kilometres less than the current area of Palestine.

The Jews occupied the hilly areas, but failed to occupy the plains, especially most parts of the coast of Palestine. These parts had never been dominated by their State during its survival.

Solomon, (PBUH) was born in Jerusalem, and his rule over the Holy Land lasted for about 40 years from 963 BC to 923 BC

The two kingdoms of Israel and Judah

The rule of David and Solomon lasted for about 80 years, which was considered a golden period during which Palestine was ruled under the banner of monotheism and faith prior to the Muslim Conquest.

The Jews after the State of Solomon (PBUH)

After the death of Solomon, his kingdom was divided into two parts comprising two separate States with fights between them from time to time. the kingdom "Israel" with Shechem as its capital (then Tarzah then Samaria).

the kingdom of "Judah", with Jerusalem as its capital.

The kingdom of Israel lasted during the period from 923 BC to 721 BC. The Encyclopedia Britannica disdainfully named it "The Tail Kingdom". Because of the invasion by the residents of Damascus, it lost all its lands located in the east of Jordan and north of Yarmouk. "Omri" was the most famous king of the kingdom of Israel whose reign lasted from 885 BC to 874 BC. He built Samaria and took it as the capital.

the Assyrians attacked Kingdom of "Israel". They exterminated it in 721 BC. Then, the Assyrians moved the people of Israel to Haran, Khabour, Kurdistan and Persia and replaced them with groups of Aramaians. It seems that the banished Israelis were completely mixed in with their neighbours in exile. Thereafter, there was not a trace left of the ten tribes of the Children of Israel.

Kingdom of Judah was attacked and defeated several times, and the attackers entered Jerusalem itself. Sheshaq, the Pharaoh of Egypt, entered Jerusalem and took it over in the late tenth century BC.

598 BC-597 BC, Nebuchadnezzar, besieged Jerusalem and captured the king and his family, and about 10,000 of its population, which is known as the first capture, and robbed some of the temple treasures and sent them to Babylon.
Thereafter (597 BC-586 BC), Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem. He demolished the temple, robbed the treasures and wealth, and captured about 40,000 Jews and sent them to Babylonia, known as "the second Babylonian capture". The remaining Jews migrated to Egypt, including the Prophet Arimyah. The Kingdom of Judah fell in 586 BC.

to be continue....

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